The once-sleepy mining town of Mazowe is poised for a significant transformation with the development of a state-of-the-art shopping mall, known as Mazowe Walk Shopping Mall.
This ambitious project is a joint ven-ture between Mazowe Rural District Council and prominent Zimbabwean entities, First Mutual Life and Zimre Holdings. Construction company Gateway Construction is spearhead-ing this project.
Mall location and origins:
Strategically located adjacent to the well-established Mazowe Hotel, part of the Chibhanguza Hotel Group, the new mall is expected to tap into the hotel’s clientele, primarily drawn from Harare, Concession, Mvurwi and sur-rounding mining areas.
Michael Mangobe, a key figure in the Getway Construction project, has described the initiative as “a monu-mental endeavor and Mazowe’s most ambitious undertaking.” This ambi-tious project is poised to revolutionize the region, harnessing its agricultural potential and mineral wealth.
Mangobe expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, “It’s a dream come true for a region brimming with agricultural potential and mineral wealth.” The project is not only transforming the business landscape but also revitalizing the infrastructure of Mazowe and its surrounding areas.
The mall’s prime spot along the main Harare-Mazowe Road in the heart of the Mazowe region is expected to attract both locals and visitors alike. The mall’s extensive facilities and amenities are designed to provide a premier destination for shopping, entertainment, and leisure.
Facilities and amenities:
The Mazowe Walk Shopping Mall will be a compre-hensive development, offering a variety of ame-nities. In addition to a bustling shopping centre, the complex will include a modern clinic, duplex housing, a well-equipped state-of-the-art service station with a convenience store as well as a bus stop.
The bus stop will offer a convenient waiting area for passengers while a designated commuter drop-off zone will be located nearby for easy access. A new, circular commercial centre is under construction at the heart of the mall. Accessible via a recently constructed secondary road, the centre will fea-ture a serene park with a water feature, a children’s climbing net, and lush greenery.
The southern side of the commercial center will accommodate larger retail units, such as a supermarket, a farming wholesaler and a hardware retail shop, each with individual service yards for loading and unloading. The northern side will house smaller shops, banks, a pharmacy, a doctor’s office, a food court, and a restaurant/bar. The varying sizes of the shops will allow for a mix of larger establishments and smaller local producers. Behind the commercial center, accessible via an independent entrance and parking, will be a set of offices for local businesses and a clinic/hospital for the community.
The architectural style of the buildings will be contemporary while emphasizing a peaceful and sheltered ambiance. Ample covered areas will provide comfortable, shaded, and well-venti-lated spaces for visitors to enjoy.
All services within the mall will be provided to the highest stan-dards, encompassing air conditioning in select areas, natural ventilation, comprehensive electrical installations, telecommunica-tions, fire-fighting systems, water services, waste disposal systems, and essential kitchen and bar equipment.
Framework and materials:
The structural elements of the mall will primarily consist of steel el-ements for the gallery, including the superstructure and roof, while load-bearing brickwork will be used for the lower-level shopping areas.
The development will prioritize the preservation of existing vegeta-tion and enhance the site with new plantings of indigenous trees. Careful attention will be paid to hard landscaping, particularly in areas surrounding the water pond, courtyard, and pedestrian areas.
To improve energy efficiency and reduce running costs, the proj-ect will emphasize adequate orientation, sun protection, natural ventilation, material selection, and other energy-saving elements. High-quality locally available materials, such as face bricks and granite stones, will be used throughout the construction.
The project will also focus on utilizing local building techniques and materials to minimize future maintenance needs. Access to the mall will be provided via a secondary road parallel to the main highway, ensuring easy access to the various facilities without compromising safety or affecting traffic flow on the main thoroughfare.
This secondary road will also connect to the fuel station, bus stop, main commercial center and offices. A dedicated service entrance at the back of the mall will allow access to the larger retail shops for loading and unloading, as well as truck access for contractors and distributors.
This entrance will also lead to the clinic. Parallel to this entrance will be the entrance to the duplex houses located at the back of the complex, offer-ing a separate and secluded access away from the busy commercial center.
Tenants and project completion date:
Michael Mangobe revealed that the mall is being constructed at a cost of approximately US$12.5 million. Site Manager Vincent Pfumo highlighted that two anchor tenants, a major supermarket and a fast-food chain operator, had initially expressed interest in occupying space within the mall.
The initial tenant interest from well-known and established businesses, although not disclosed due to pending agreements, demonstrates the strong potential of the new devel-opment.“Construction commenced in October 2023, and we anticipate completing the first phase of the proj-ect in mid-December,” said the site manager.
“We are currently working diligently and overtime to ensure timely com-pletion. In November, our focus will primarily shift to the finishing touches.” They envision that phase two of the project will likely include a farmer’s shop, a hardware store, and other additional amenities. Phase three will feature duplex apartments, lodges, and other residential options.
ltimately, the Mazowe Walk Shopping Mall will be a mixed-use development encompassing a shopping mall, clinic, fast food outlets, drive-thru services, and various other attractions.
Gateway Construction say that the entire project, includ-ing the current phase of construction, is expected to take approximately four years to complete, potentially reach-ing completion by 2028, depending on the availability of funding.
Environment and sustainability:
One of the challenges faced during the project was the need to address waterlogged areas, which required spe-cial foundation techniques involving reinforcement and concreting.
The concrete beams used in the construction reach heights of approximately 3 to 5 meters. To stabilize the ground, stabilized gravel and diffused cement were used, along with imported gravel from a nearby location.
A surface water drain will be imple-mented to manage flooding in the area, while a subsurface storm water drain is also under construction. The developer has prioritized environ-mental management throughout the project, aiming to minimize disruption to the existing environment.
They have adhered to standard proce-dures, such as engaging with the Envi-ronmental Management Agency (EMA) for activities involving fuel tanks and potential leaks. “We received instruc-tions from EMA to ensure compliance with their guidelines,” said Vincent Pfumo.
“The architect also specified that we minimize disturbance to vegetation. If you observe the site, the green schematics represent trees that were present on the site.” The developer has successfully preserved most of the existing trees, removing only one, and has taken measures to minimize envi-ronmental degradation.
The excavated materials from the con-struction will be used to reclaim gravel pits, further contributing to environ-mental sustainability.
Getway Construction legacy
From its offices in Harare and Gweru, Getway Construction has been shaping Zimbabwe’s infrastructure landscape since its establishment in 1992. Renowned for its expertise in structural construction and civil works, the compa-ny has consistently delivered high-qual-ity projects that have contributed signifi-cantly to the nation’s development.
Driven by a commitment to excellence, the company has established a strong track record of delivering affordable and innovative building solutions. It has implemented robust manage-ment systems that comply with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 standards to minimize risks and ensure the well-being of employees, clients, and the environ-ment.
Its commercial endeavours are com-plemented by actively participating in social responsibility initiatives to support local communities. The company has undertaken various projects, such as repairing boreholes, constructing access roads and bridges, providing roofing materials, and donat-ing cement for school infrastructure.
Gateway Construction has a diverse portfolio of projects, ranging from resi-dential houses and schools to hospitals, tennis courts, and large-scale infra-structure developments. The company has collaborated with prominent clients in the mining, finan-cial, and corporate sectors, including Mimosa Mining Company, Unki, Anglo American Platinum Mine, Zim-plats, Zimasco, Zimtrade, Old Mutual, Redan, and Zimnat.
The construction’s unwavering dedication to quality, innova-tion, and community engage-ment has solidified its position as a trusted and respected player in Zimbabwe’s construc-tion industry.
This impressive reputation and portfolio have led to the com-pany being selected as the main contractor for the Mazowe Mall project.
The project is poised to have a profound impact on the local economy, creating new op-portunities and improving the quality of life for residents.
As construction progress-es, Mazowe is poised to experience a period of significant growth and development.
Fidelity Life Asset Managers is overseeing the project, with Pantic Architects lead-ing the design, Southland Consulting Engineers pro-viding engineering services, Marsden Consultants Africa handling quantity survey-ing, and Kamatech serving as the electrical subcon-tractor.
Text by Martin Chemhere