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Miami Development P/L

MIAMI Development P/L is a recently registered company primarily involved in Geo-Technical Engineering and Topographical Survey Consultancy. This Consultancy was registered in March 2018. It comprises of a team of dynamic and knowledgeable principals with over 20 years of individual experience in carrying out a wide variety of projects in the fields of Construction Supervision Management, Quality Assurance Surveys and Controls in Structural, Civil, Transportation, Water and Environmental Engineering.

The firm has an office in Bluff Hill, Harare and the long-term vision is to open offices in Mutare (Eastern Region) and Gweru (Southern Region). The Firm’s Principals and Key Staff have experience in all aspects of project and construction management from feasibility studies through concept design, detailed design to final handover. Miami Development P/L intends to provide professional consultancy services to government, local authorities, the private sector, bilateral and multi-lateral funding agencies.

Miami Development (Pvt) Ltd offers the following services:

  • Testing of soils, concrete, aggregates, steel, bricks/masonry units, asphalt and bituminous products.
  • In – situ testing (relative compactions, DCP tests, plate bearing tests, etc.)
  • Geotechnical investigations (soil profiling, SPT, insitu bearing capacity, etc)
  • Foundation testing (consolidations, uniaxial (UCS), tri-axials, shear-box, collapse/ swell potential, permeability, conductivity, etc.)
  • Centre-line soil surveys
  • Gravel pit prospection or surveys
  • Borrow-pit investigations
  • Pavement investigations (test pits, deflection measurements, visual surveys, rutting measurements etc.)
  • • Design of concrete and asphalt mixes
  • Concrete and asphalt coring
  • Supply of site laboratories (personnel and equipment)
  • Staff evaluation and training
  • Research and development
  • Topographic and engineering surveys The firm has, at its disposal sophisticated equipment for materials and geotechnical engineering, survey equipment and software that cover a wide variety of specialized fields. The individual principals of the Consultancy are members of professional bodies which include the Zimbabwe Institute of Engineers (ZIE), Project Management Institute (PMI-USA), South African Institution of Engineers (SAICE) and The Survey Institute of Zimbabwe (SIZ). Council of Land Surveyors and through this membership is bound by the professional ethics and Code of Conduct applicable to all members of these bodies.

The firm associates with other professionals including ecologists, economists, geologists, environmentalists, sociologists and others who pool their knowledge in an integrated approach towards problem solving. These associations enable Miami Development P/L, at very short notice, to put together tailor-made teams to meet each client’s unique and specific needs.

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