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Exciting New Marimba Park Upgrade and Development

Following on from the overwhelming success of their huge Aspindale Park development Henkik Investments have embarked an on even more ambitious project – the development and regularisation of 2 600 residential stands covering an area of 180 hectares in Marimba Park – just adjacent to Aspindale. Marimba Park is bound by High Glen Road on the western side, Kambuzuma Road to the south and Crowborough Road on the eastern side and it extends towards the Bulawayo Road.

In recent years – since the early 2000s – stands at the site had been parcelled out haphazardly and unsystematically by co-operatives and unscrupulous land barons who did not have legal rights to assign the stands to prospective residents. Some stands were given to residents free of charge while others paid varying amounts to the co-operatives. None were given title deeds to their properties and no services were provided.

Access roads are currently set out haphazardly, untarred and not maintained. Electricity and water supplies are erratic, or in most cases, non-existent. There is no system of storm water drainage. The stands are not connected to the municipal sewer network and residents rely on septic tanks and soakaways. Stands vary in size from 200 square metres upwards so in many cases the neighbours are very close by. There is no council water supply so residents rely on boreholes or open wells for drinking water and water for washing and cooking.

In many instances the soakaways are adjacent to the wells and boreholes and water contamination – and the resulting outbreak of diseases like cholera and typhoid – seems inevitable. Harare recently experienced an outbreak of Cholera in 2018 so severe that it was declared a State of Emergency.

There is no comprehensive plan for waste disposal or rubbish collection and piles of uncollected household waste can be seen along the verges of most access roads, adding to the unhealthy environment. Houses have been built without planning permission and in many cases are sub-standard and do not comply with municipal codes. However, it’s very much a mixed bag with some fairly substantial, solid homes mixed in with more informal structures. Some residents paid a significant amount for their stands 10 to 15 years ago and have invested their life savings in the construction of their family homes.

One of the developer’s main priorities is to regularise the allocation of stands since receiving a mandate and approval from the Ministry of Local Government Public Works and National Housing. After some protracted legal wrangles, the Ministry confirmed and approved Henkik’s ownership of the land and endorsed and supported their proposed development plan. Following extensive surveying and mapping out of the site the next stage is for Henkik to enter into and negotiate agreements of sale with established residents, eventually leading to proper legal title deeds. Unfortunately for some residents who were initially duped by the land barons it means that they now have to pay for their stands again – this time to the rightful, legal owners.

Understandably, this has inevitably led to some confusion and resentment on the part of residents who have lived there for many years but Henkik is committed to resolving the issues as amicably as possible. Through their surveying and careful planning Henkik Investments has resolved to work around as many of the existing structures aspossible as they install proper road access and connections to electricity, water and sewer lines.

Benefits for the residents will include proper legal title deeds for their stands as well as the provision of decent roads and access to services and amenities. The developers pointed out that in addition they have planned for ECD centres, schools, churches, clinics, shopping malls and recreational facilities in a similar vein to the facilities provided at Aspindale Park. There are even plans to construct a state-of-the art ZRP post for the safety and security of the community and to upgrade the mobile network so that residents have access to high speed internet.

Like with Aspindale Park the developers will not simply set up the residential suburb and then withdraw – Henkik Investments will continue to sustain their presence at Marimba Park for the maintenance and further growth of the infrastructure. MarimbaPark even has a plans office with a selection of house designs which have been drawn up by architects and approved by Council. Prospective home owners can select from these existing designs or put forward their own designs for approval.

Marimba Park administrators will also assist residents to get services like electricity and water properly connected with individual meters.The development has been set out in seven distinct phases which promise to move forward quickly and smoothly under Henkik Investment’s experienced guidance. The development will address the current huge backlog of affordable, decent housing which stands at around 1,25 million units. It will create a large number of employment opportunities in the construction industry and related sectors. The development is in line with government’s Vision 2030 plan to create an upper middle class income economy and improve the lives of Zimbabwe’s growing urban population.

To find out more:

Visit the Marimba Park Office at Bubye Close, Old Marimba

Call: 08677 008488 | Email:


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