Premium Zimbabwean Platform For Showcasing Progressive Industrial, Commercial & Residential Infrastructure Development.

Bitumen World Paves the Way for Zimbabwe’s New City with Boulevard Road

Bitumen World (Pvt) Ltd, a leading civil engineering construction company, has taken centre stage in the development of Zimbabwe’s new Parliament City with the completion of Boulevard Road. This ornate six-kilometer stretch of brand-new dual carriageway serves not only as the primary artery to the New Parliament Building but also as a testament
to Bitumen World’s commitment to cutting-edge technology and exceptional construction practices.

A Grand Design Takes Shape

The thoughtful in-house design extends beyond functionality. The central median transforms an otherwise everyday roadway into an aesthetically pleasing experience.

The kerb-lined green corridor complements the architectural vision for the new parliament with regular spacing of palm trees, grassing and granite chips that seamlessly connects this new ornate building to the Bindura Road roundabout along a perfectly straight, 5.71-kilometer pathway.

Planning for the Future City

Anticipating the future growth of parliament city, Boulevard Road intercepts eight strategically placed “crescent roads” that will connect this trunk feeder road to future developments, ensuring the city flourishes according to the master plan.

A Feat of Efficiency

The sheer scale of the project is even more impressive considering the rapid four-month completion timeframe.

Bitumen World achieved this remarkable feat through meticulous planning and a commitment to innovative techniques.

The construction process involved constructing a solid foundation with Class G10 gravel, followed by numerous compacted granular layers making up the pavement structure, each increasing in load-bearing strength up to the asphalt surface and each crucial for supporting future traffic loads.

Innovation at the Forefront

Beyond the impressive design and efficient construction, Boulevard Road incorporates several pioneering features.

One such advancement lies in the uppermost (Base 1) pavement layer using G1 crushed stone gravel, a challenging material to produce but essential for ensuring a robust and durable road.

Furthermore, a dedicated material feeder ensured a smooth asphalt surface by continuously feeding hotmix asphalt into the hopper of the asphalt paver, avoiding the disruptive interaction between tipper and paver.

The asphalt quality was further enhanced by making use of a new, state-of-the-art asphalt mixing plant and asphalt paver.

Smartsheet: Building Quality Assurance

Bitumen World prioritized quality throughout the construction process. They implemented a rigorous quality control system built upon the Smartsheet platform, adhering to ISO 9001:2015 standards.

This web-based system streamlined tasks, allowing on-site personnel to efficiently request tests and receive results. Data was uploaded as construction progressed, creating a comprehensive “as-built” data record for the client.

Through Technology

GPS-guided graders represent another innovative technology employed on the project. These machines utilize a base station and rover system to automatically adjust the grader blade to the required level, eliminating the need for manual adjustments and ensuring precise levelling for a flawless road surface.

Overcoming Obstacles

The project wasn’t without its challenges. Time constraints, prioritised by the road’s significance in the upcoming SADC Summit, demanded meticulous planning and scheduling.

Sourcing materials also presented an obstacle, as the new city’s pristine environment restricted on-site gravel extraction.
Bitumen World addressed this by optimizing space for both water and gravel delivery, ensuring their powerful recyclers remained operational. Extended shifts and maximized processing of earthworks daily, further bolstered their efforts to meet their targets.

Additionally, the lack of readily available G1 gravel and other crushed stone products, was overcome through the establishment of a quarry about 20km from the site, along with the necessary personnel qualified in blasting, equipment suitable for loading and hauling rock and three portable crushing pl

Boulevard Road: A Symbol of Progress

Boulevard Road transcends its role as a thoroughfare; it stands as a symbol of the new parliament city’s potential. This project serves as a testament to Bitumen World’s capabilities in design, construction, and technological innovation.

It paves the way for the development of the new city and establishes a high standard for future infrastructure projects in Zimbabwe, setting a precedent for quality, efficiency, and sustainable practices.

Text by Martin Chemhere | Images by Caast Media and Quinn Kloppers

From S&D ISSUE 67 

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